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On June 22, 2024 at 10:20:50 PM +0800, accyang Albert Yang:
  • Changed title to Cervical Lymp Nodes Dataset (previously 頸部淋巴結)

  • Updated description of Cervical Lymp Nodes Dataset from

    以病理診斷為標準,篩選有接受頸部淋巴廓清手術者的頸部電腦斷層, 並在術前電腦斷層影像圈選出良性/惡性淋巴結。標註後以 DICOM+RTSS 檔匯出,找出 ROI 區域,隨後進行後續分析,包括特徵擷取、數學建模 及模型預測。
    Using pathological diagnosis as the ground truth, we collected cervical CT scans of patients who had undergone neck lymph node dissection surgery. On these preoperative CT images, we identified and annotated benign and malignant lymph nodes. After annotation, we exported the images as DICOM+RTSS files to ensure precise data handling. The identified regions of interest (ROI) were then isolated for further analysis. This analysis included feature extraction, where we identified specific characteristics of the lymph nodes, mathematical modeling to understand the patterns and relationships within the data, and model prediction to forecast outcomes based on the extracted features and developed models. This comprehensive approach aimed to improve diagnostic accuracy and treatment planning for patients with cervical lymph node involvement.

  • Removed the following tags from Cervical Lymp Nodes Dataset

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  • Uploaded a new file to resource 3-2北榮團隊-ENT資料集說明_2020-12-24.pdf in Cervical Lymp Nodes Dataset

  • Uploaded a new file to resource D13.csv in Cervical Lymp Nodes Dataset